A Bit of Monday Motivation by Thinking About Your Inevitable Doom. (WARNING - This Will Change Your Life!)
So my incredibly learned brother bought me a book off of Amazon.
This one in fact! Yes he seems to have a dearth of vowels in his name but he has written a bloody impressive book (so far)
I've only got about 3 chapters in but Holy Giant Charging Bulls Batman it's already socking me with some big punches.
KAPOW! How about a Death Taster to start you off?
Try any of these thought activities and see if it inspires you to value your life more than you do already.
- Forget living every day as if it is your last. Try imagining you are soon to die from a terminal disease and you have 6 months left to live. What would you change about your life choices?
- Imagine life is full of tens of millions of tiny little deaths. Every moment that passes ceases to exist. Do you think you'll take time to smell the roses now?
- Don't imagine you have one life to live. Imagine you are going to live this exact same life forever (like poor old Bill Murray in Groundhog Day). Would you be happy with the grudges and self-pity you hung on to?
- How will you feel when you are on your deathbed looking back? Would you be proud of your achievements? Would you regret anything?
- Write your own obituary. Or write two. One that is 'real' and one which is your 'ideal' obituary. How are they dissimilar?
- Last one - imagine yourself at a dinner party in the afterlife. You are sat with every possible version of you. From the one who studied hard and aced their qualifications, to the alcoholic who could never hold down a job or relationship. Who would you want to talk to? Who would annoy the crap out of you?
Pow! Biff! Zok! Blam!
I'm not even a quarter of the through the book and I'm ready to start a revolution. If the rest of it pans out the way this first section has I'm sure to have become a more... well I don't know!? A more inspired person I guess.
World. Watch out!
Jon's feeling inspired!!
Buy the book on Amazon here