Self-Publising for Adventure Authors

Have you ever dreamed of being an Adventure Author?
Do you have a first draft of an Adventure Book?
Do you want to make it the best Adventure Book it could possibly be?

Publishing your book doesn’t stop when you write The End. You’ve still got to construct those words into an epic book you can be proud of.

Self-Publishing for Adventure Authors is the second book in the series. It will show you how to bring your first draft to the next level - an incredble finished book. It focuses on editing, cover design and formatting, giving practical tips on where you can find professionals or how you could do it yourself if you’re on a budget.

Informative, inspiring and well worth the money to help me ok my own writing adventure. - Kirstie

Book 2 of the series and Jon's writing does not disappoint. Well structured and written with all the practical information you need. A must for all budding adventure authors and indeed any author! - Glen