Writing for Adventure Authors

Have you ever dreamt of being an Adventure Author?
Do you have a travel journal sat unloved on your shelf at home that's bursting with wondrous memories?
Do you have an inspirational story to tell but you just aren't sure how to get it out there?

Writing for Adventure Authors is the first step in helping you reach your goals of being a published author. This book will take you from a scrappy old journal to a finished first draft. It focuses on the essential questions you’ll want to ask youself, strategies to keep yourself motivated and mindsets that everyone experiences in the writing process. With tons of practical tips and tricks, this book will be your writing bible.

Jon Doolan's Writing for Adventure Authors is a super-practical How-To Handbook which will help any aspiring travel writer to get the job of writing done. - Heidi

I really enjoyed this book - full of no-nonsense, practical advice on how to get started writing your adventure story. Jon keeps it simple and breaks the steps down into easy to digest chunks. There really is no excuse not to get started. - LM

If you are an adventure author, or indeed any author looking to self publish, then this book is full of useful advice and information. Highly recommended. - John