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You know you wanna!

As well as receiving a copy of my eBook - Miles of Smiles: The Joke Book…

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Not only that, but you’ll supporting me as I try and make this writing dream a reality.

That’s 3 incredible things you can do with just one little click!

What to expect: 

Don’t expect a lot! I know that I should send out email newsletters on a regular basis, but I’m just not that organised. You’ll be lucky if you hear from me once a month! But if you do, you might find the email filled with…

  • News

  • Upcoming events (book launches, talks, expeditions, etc.)

  • Book reviews

  • Interviews

  • The whimsical meanderings of a 40-something year old’s mind

I hope you enjoy it!

(Oh, and if my newsletters are boring you, you can unsubscribe any time you feel like it. Not that you would, of course. You’re such a nice person! ;) )